
What Is Mental Health?

Mental health is a person’s overall well-being concerning emotions, thoughts, and ability to handle life’s challenges. It involves feeling good about oneself, having positive relationships,

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Birth Control

Contraception is a term that refers to the various methods of birth control available to men and women today. The range of contraceptive options can

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Ear Infection

It’s the middle of the night, and your child has awakened you crying. Nothing you’ve tried is consoling her, and you notice she is pulling

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School Physicals

Back-to-school is a busy time of year filled with books, class schedules, school supplies, and shopping for new clothes. It is also the time of

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Sexually transmitted diseases, or STDs, are infectious diseases communicated via sexual contact. Even skin-to-skin contact is enough to spread some infections, such as genital herpes

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STI’s, or sexually transmitted infections, are passed between people primarily as part of sexual activity. Sexual acts that involve the anus, mouth, penis, or vagina

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Adult Physicals

An annual physical is important for health maintenance and disease prevention. Adults who get annual physicals are more likely to discover potential health complications before

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