Respiratory Health

Sinus and respiratory problems can be debilitating – especially when they are a chronic problem. Sinusitis and other chronic respiratory health issues are always caused by inflammation. Our goal is to pinpoint the source of our patients’ inflammation, which is often the underlying cause of sinusitis.

Did you know…

that chronic sinusitis is a condition that affects millions of people around the world on a regular basis? According to the Centers for Disease Control, 28.5 million American adults – approximately 12 percent of the entire adult population – have been diagnosed with sinusitis. It is responsible for 11.7 million ambulatory care visits every year in the U.S. alone.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if I suffer from chronic sinusitis or respiratory problems?

The symptoms of chronic sinusitis and respiratory health problems are hard to miss. To be considered chronic, they must be present for at least 8 weeks without relief. However, sinusitis can be considered recurrent when symptoms clear up and return several times per year. Symptoms of chronic or recurrent sinusitis include:

  • Headaches
  • Postansal drip
  • Congestion
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Dental Pain

Will I need to make lifestyle changes to facilitate healing?

We find that a healthy lifestyle is conducive to a healthy body. We may recommend that you change the way you eat, adopt better sleep habits, and start to exercise on a regular basis. We may also suggest that you take up a daily sinus hygienic regimen, as well as take steps to improve the quality of the air in your home.

Pure Bliss

If you are in search of a professional who will attend to your needs, you can’t go wrong with Pure Bliss Family Health.

Pure Bliss

If you are in search of a professional who will attend to your needs, you can’t go wrong with Pure Bliss Family Health.


We provide the best and latest in technology and treatment options. We provide gentle, family-oriented care.


We provide the best and latest in technology and treatment options. We provide gentle, family-oriented care.

Pure Bliss

Read real stories from real patients. You will play an active role in your treatment and your voice will be heard.

Pure Bliss

Read real stories from real patients. You will play an active role in your treatment and your voice will be heard.